What Can Stop The Corona Virus??



A very good day to all viewers! Here I am with a current situation of the world which is affecting each and every one of us. In some countries we can claim that the cases are prone to be low. But what about Malaysia? Has any of us thought about it ? Thinking is just not enough for us to fight against COVID-19. Since it's not a small agenda which should be solely placed as responsibilities of the government and frontliners. The government are only the entity who can advise and bring out some ways to cure this pandemic, but we as community should bear in mind that this problem will surely never end if we are not serious about this matter. Now let me tell you how this outbreak is becoming a possible threat:- 
-The first thing is many people are being so reluctant to follow the government's statement which is "LOCK DOWN". 
-Why, there are still some of you who like roaming around!
-Going out even though there is heavy checking in all the places. And giving some sort of silly reason to go further.

-Many of them also take this chance to go back to their hometown. 

Regarding the matters above I would like to sincerely thank each and everyone who are still at home and just following what the government says. I know its not really easy for us to be locked at home and doing the same thing every single day, but it will help us to overcome this pandemic. Back to the main point, why is so hard for some of them out there to just go out on their own wish. I could see some of them who goes out and proudly post that "I HAVE SAFELY ARRIVED BACK HOME" in their social media. Do you think that it is something to be proud of. Obviously, it's a no for me since you are making the situation even worst. Life is not a game, for us to play and fool around. If you want to really harm yourself you may find a different option to do so.
Furthermore, during this "LOCK DOWN" period many of them are heading back to their hometown using some sort of truly silly reason. I know that many of you will really miss your hometown only at this particular time, since you think that the government has given you a long vacation for you to roam around. Please try to understand the meaning of "LOCK DOWN". For those who don't understand what is it then here is the simplest definition I can give you:-
A situation in which people are not allowed to enter or leave a building or area freely because of an emergency.

Please I really need all Malaysian citizens to obey our government rules so that we can overcome this COVID-19 pandemic as soon as possible. Don't think that I am pinpointing some of the irresponsible behaviors but I am forced to do so since I don't want this pandemic to get worst. Based on what I have seen, the current situation in Malaysia is as if, "due of a drop of indigo dye, the whole container of milk is spoiled". Day by day we will be missing each and everyone if we don't see this pandemic as a serious matter. However, "it's better late then never". I really would like to see a drastic change in our Malaysian community as soon as possible. If there is still no changes then "please don't cry over the spilt milk". Clearly we could see what happened to Italy when they didn't follow their government's order and went beyond the limit. What about Malaysia? Do you wanna Stay At Home or Stay Away From the World for your entire life? Think wisely before you do anything. Just think about what will happen next.
Last but not least, I would really like to express my profound gratitude to our beloved Prime Minister and the Ministers for handling this COVID-19 pandemic wisely. Moreover, a big salute and thanks to all the frontliners for staying at work just for us. With an end note of hope and trust, I sign off this post.

Nevhan Naidu

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.