The post today will be based on a true story about Mr. Khairul Nizam The Founder Of  Jamumall Sdn.Bhd.

I am really glad to post about a person who worked very hard and manage to be a founder of a company even with this much of disability. He has a really great soul because even we as a normal person also can't 
achieve like Mr. Khairul Nizam. I am really very inspired by him because he did'nt give up easily to become a successful person in life.

Mr. Khairul Nizam is someone like many entrepreneurs out there. In the process of becoming a great  entrepreneurs he tried his level best to startup his own business. But the pity thing was he invested and loss a sum of his money. Still he did not slow down he continued his full effort  towards success. Lately Mr.Khairul Nizam invested and loss about RM600k of his money in the replica merchandise which had a huge market. Thus it was really a heartbreaking news for him but he kept trying his level best to  become a founder of the Jamumall Sdn.Bhd.

Mr.Khairul Nizam can only use three of his fingers but it was not a reason for him to become such great entrepreneur in his life. He message that motivated me very much was, "If three fingers is enough for me to achieve in my life why can't you? Life doesn't wits for anybody, you are the one who create  your journey. So never ever give up in life if you're really keen in achieving your goals."


Here are some of the moral values that I learn from Mr. Khairul Nizam's life path:

Always remember and be thankful to the person who help you. Mr. Khairul Nizam is very thankful to his sister who helped him so much in becoming a successful person. Never give up even in any situation. 


This is the message from Mr. Khairul Nizam:


His quote that actually inspired me : "kalau aku ada 3 jari dan akal mampu membina kehidupan sendiri dan kebahagiaan org sekeliling .. anda ade berapa jari untuk ubah kehidupan?? Usia semakin meningkat, jangan tunggu lagi.. kite je mampu ubah diri kita!!"



Last but not least happy labour day to all viewers thank you very much for spending time to read my blog message.


Nevhan Naidu

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


  1. Semangat luar biasa yang perlu kita contohi walaupun beliau kelainan upaya

  2. Being physically disabled is not an excuse! Find a way to shine in life.

  3. semangat macam ni yang perlu kita ikut..

  4. Great job Khairul Nizam and kudos to NevhanNJoy who took a great stride by writing such a heart-touching post. May JamuMall as well as NevhanNJoy's page reach greater heights in future. All the best!

  5. He prove it that OKU people can success!!

  6. VERY GOOD JOB KEEP IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. sangat memberi inspirasi.. done follow blog ni
